Author: ianpostgreen


We all have our own coping strategies. Mine have formed the outline of our Resources page, mostly meditation and good nutrition combined with brain exercises such as crosswords and other puzzles. What works for you? Let’s have a conversation about our own ways we manage our HAND. If this is a new area for you, […]

Planting a Seed

Today we launch this seed that we want to nurture into a vibrant, living site with information and community for those who need both. Please comment on this post with any suggestions you have for how we can grow into a site that can better serve your needs and our community.


Welcome to Helping HAND Rocks!, a project of the Golden Nugget Sisters of Colorado. This site has been created by and for those of us managing HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND). More and more, the medical world is realizing what we’ve always known: this virus does things to your brain even if it is currently suppressed. […]